Trend Alert: The Movement to Reduce Food Waste and Save Money


The longer something lasts, the more cost-effective it becomes. With that in mind, people are looking for easier ways to prevent their food from spoiling so easily. With new tools and products in-market to help extend the shelf life of food, people are able to save money by not replacing food as often. 

It’s a trend we call “Extending Expiration.” Learn more about the movement in our 2024 Food & Beverage Trend report


In the United States, food waste is estimated at 30%–40% of the food supply; this equates to 325 pounds of waste per person per year. Because of this, companies are looking for ways to jump into the conversation of food security by making sure that their products help prevent food waste.


Brands are introducing smart refrigerators with UV light-controlled crispers that mimic the sun cycle, extending the shelf life and nutritional value of produce, ultimately saving consumers time and money. 

There’s also a growing demand for food and drink formulations that help people withstand extreme weather, emphasizing shelf-stable products for emergencies when access to stores is limited. 

To enhance sustainability, food retailers are using eco-friendly coatings for produce packaging, which not only protect and extend freshness but also educate consumers about produce shelf life.

Stop by the Trends page of the quench website to learn more about quench’s 2024 Food & Beverage Trends report and to sign up to receive a customized, in-depth presentation of the report for you or your team.

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